Jot began in 1965 as a component of the locally produced Peppermint Place series on WFAA, Dallas, and was syndicated as a four-and-a-half minute insert on local children's programs, much like The Funny Company and other animated shorts from that era. It was distributed by The Southern Baptist Radio-TV Commission and sought to teach children moral and ethical lessons. Peppermint Place was also syndicated nationally in the 1980's and 90's.

Jot was a bouncing dot that was sensitive to the inner thoughts and feelings of a child, and changed it's shape and color as it depicted the struggles represented by a child's conscience, such as joy and sadness. When it realigned itself with its inner standards, the dot reverted back to its perfect round shape. It also had a very expressive face which displayed emotion as well as moral turmoil.

The character and its unique non-denominational concept was created and written by Ruth Byers, the former director of dramatic children's productions at Paul Baker's Dallas Theater Center, and Ted Perry, also a disciple of Baker. The series received numerous religious broadcasting awards, including two from Roman Catholic organizations. In addition to the United States, it was seen in Australia, Japan and several Western European countries.

Very Special thanks to David Whittaker for the use of the JOT images.
Be sure to check out his 70s Live Action Kid Vid. It's a great tribute
to the live-action Saturday Morning shows of the 70's!

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Updated October 14, 2007

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Since July 13, 2000