The character Timer (voiced by Len Maxwell) originally appeared in "The Incredible, Indelible, Magical, Physical Mystery Trip", an ABC Afterschool Special that combined live-action with animation. This 1973 DePatie-Freleng Production, in association with Sienna Productions, was an educational and entertaining journey which took two youngsters, Joey (played by Michael Link; animated version voiced by Peter Broderick) and Missy (played by Kim Richards; animated version voiced by Kathy Buck), through the mistreated body of their Uncle Carl (played by Hal Smith), who has lived a hard life, failing to maintain his health. The kids are miniaturized prior to the trip by Timer. The special was later re-broadcast as a two-part ABC Weekend Special.


Timer (voiced by the late Lennie Weinrib) then took two miniaturized youngsters, Carol (voiced by Diane Murphy) and Larry (voiced by Ike Eisenmann), on "The Magical Mystery Trip Through Little Red's Head", a 1974 DePatie-Freleng production which combined live-action and animation. As the trio explore Little Red's (voiced by Sarah Kennedy) mind, they learn how people express and deal with their feelings from the inside. The hour-long feature was originally broadcast as an ABC Afterschool Special and later re-broadcast as a two-part ABC Weekend Special.


The Timer character was later revived by ABC and DePatie-Freleng in 1977 for a series of ABC Health and Nutrition Commercials, short public service spots which aired on ABC's weekend schedule. Other characters featured in the shorts included Chopper, a motorcyclist who explained how teeth work. Some of Timer's topics included "hankering for a hunk of cheese" and explaining to youngsters how to make orange juice popsicles which he called "Sunshine on a Stick".

Click on this link to hear Sunshine On a Stick, in RealAudio

Timer - "Nutritious Dishes"

Watch one of the ABC-TV nutrition spots featuring Timer that I posted on YouTube.

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Since March 30, 2000

Updated September 6, 2007.

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